The Ministry of Education and Culture has assigned the Committee for Public Information (TJNK) for the next three-year office term. The Chair of the Committee is Professor Esa Väliverronen.
The Committee for Public Information consists of a chairman and of 10 members, who are assigned by the Ministry of Education for a three-year period after hearing essential associations.
The newly appointed Chair Esa Väliverronen is Professor of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Helsinki. He has also worked as a journalist for several newspapers and magazines.
Other members of the Committee:
- Head of Science Communications, Markku Heikkilä, University of Lapland
- Journalist Jakke Holvas, Yle (Finnish Broadcasting Company)
- Professor Petri Karonen, University of Jyväskylä
- Professor Anu Lahtinen, University of Helsinki
- Research Professor Jaana Laitinen, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
- University Lecturer Anna Rastas, Tampere University
- Head of communications Maria Lassila-Merisalo, Häme University of Applied Sciences
- Director Leena Suurpää, Finnish Red Cross
- Managing Director Liisa Suvikumpu, The Association of Finnish Foundations, Vice President of the Committee
- Director, Library Services Pekka Uotila, Xamk – South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Secretary General Reetta Kettunen serves as the secretary to the Committee.
More information: Secretary General Reetta Kettunen, tel. 040 733 5935