Scientific literacy changes the world. Science education recommendations now published


A sustainable and adaptable society needs science capital built through science education and lifelong science learning.

The Publication Scientific literacy changes the world. Science education recommendations is a shared starting point and source of inspiration for all those engaged in science, learning and education. They were drawn up in collaboration with dozens of experts in education, training, research, arts and museums, scientific societies and liberal adult education. To support the implementation of the recommendations, they also include tips and ideas to provoke thought.

Recommendations build science capital

Critical thinking and the ability to interpret information flows and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information are increasingly important civic competences. We still need better media and science reading skills.

Scientific literacy relies on science education and lifelong science learning. The aim is to strengthen the scientific literacy and science capital of the individual and society through teaching and communication.

Scientific literacy refers to the basic skills of processing research-based knowledge, obtaining reliable information, critical thinking and learning. Scientific literacy also includes an understanding of the results, tasks and meaning of different branches of science. Scientific capital, on the other hand, refers to people’s and society’s ideas, experiences, attitudes and resources that are related to science and change over time.

Science education is also intended to stimulate interest in science and provide the joy of learning!

Recommendations were drawn up in collaboration

The science education recommendations have been drawn up by actors in the field and are meant for other actors in the field. Recommendations were co-created in workshops and edited on the basis of open commenting rounds. Dozens of experts from the field of science education were involved in the work.

The recommendations were summarised in five principles. Impressive science education is accessible, broad-based, enables participation, collective, and inspiring and rewarding.

The recommendations are the result of a project titled ‘An inquiry and recommendations to support scientific education’ (Selvitystyö ja suosituksia tiedekasvatuksen tueksi) jointly conducted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the Committee for Public Information and funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Right from the start of the project, it was clear that the real expertise in science education is in the field. The project served as a facilitator for drafting recommendations.

The need to combine recommendations with practical actions was also clarified in the course of the work. Therefore, the final recommendations include proposals for action, i.e. tips and ideas to support of the implementation of science education.

The Committee for Public Information and Federation of Finnish Learned Societies offer their warm thanks to all those involved in drafting the recommendations!

Publication: Scientific literacy changes the world. Science education recommendations

Read more: Collection of news and articles on science education

More infomation: Reetta Kettunen, p. 040 733 5935, reetta.kettunen (at)

Photo: Linda Saukko-Rauta/Redanredan

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