Articles on the Responsible Research website bring together best practice in research integrity and science communication as part of an open science culture.
The material was created for Finnish circumstances and describes Finnish scientific research practices for a research community in Finland that is becoming increasingly international and also for researchers outside Finland’s borders.
New material is produced constantly in cooperation with the research community. Authors are encouraged to write articles in their own language.
If you have a topic on which you would like to write an article, please get in touch!
Email: info@vastuullinentiede.fi
Twitter: @VastTiede
The production of the articles began in a project called Vastuullinen tiede (Responsible Research). It is a joint venture by the Committee for Public Information (TJNK) and the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) and is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland. TJNK and TENK operate in conjunction with the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.