The JUFO portal now provides more diverse information about open access to channels, their Plan S eligibility and FinELib agreements. At the same time, the front page has been made clearer.
The Publication Forum Steering Group appointed new panels for the term 2022-2025 on 18th October 2021. A total of 296 experts were appointed for the panels.
The report examines the international context and organisation of the JUFO classification, the characteristics of JUFO levels as a quality indicator of universities’ publishing performance, and the trends of scholarly publishing in Finland.
The Steering Group of the Publication Forum has updated the user guide for the Publication Forum classification. The user guide contains recommendations on the responsible use of the classification.
In the future, individual conferences will be classified only if the level of the conference papers deviates from the determined level of the series or the publisher serving as publication channel.
The first review of ratings in the Publication Forum was completed in 2014. The report also summarizes the Publication Forum activities between 2012 - 2015.
The Publication Forum project implemented a classification system for scientific journals, publication series and book publishers in Finland, following the Norwegian and Danish examples.