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The Committee for Public Information (TJNK) is an expert body attached to the Ministry of Education and Culture. It follows progress in research, arts and technology and the development of knowledge in Finland and abroad.

Being there for the little guy

Military scientist Ilmari Käihkö reflects on his research in our interview series presenting the recipients of the Finnish State Award for Public Information 2024. 


Being there for the little guy


Military scientist Ilmari Käihkö reflects on his research in our interview series presenting the recipients of the Finnish State Award for Public Information 2024. 

Passion for the Forest


In our series introducing the recipients of the 2024 State Awards, we now feature Ritva Kovalainen and Sanni Seppo with their work on northern boreal forests.


Tiedebarometri 2024: Mistä syntyy luottamus asiantuntijoihin?

Vuodesta 2001 julkaistu Tiedebarometri kartoittaa suomalaisten asenteita tutkittuun tietoon, teknologiseen kehitykseen, tutkijoihin ja yhteiskunnallisiin instituutioihin. Tiedeviestijöille barometri tarjoaa arvokasta tietoa ajassa elävästä tieteen ja t

Science education recommendations

Scientific literacy changes the world. Science education recommendations (Committee for Public Information and Federation of Finnish Learned Societies 2021).

Science communication recommendations

Bold communication, responsible influence. Science communication recommendations (Committee for Public Information in Finland 2018) stresses that science communication be integrated into the execution of professional research.