Information on

Last updated 24.8.2022 uses cookie-based tracking and Google Analytics.

When you visit our website, cookies store information about your visit. A cookie is a small text file stored by a browser on a visitor's device. There are two main types of cookies, session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are removed from your device as soon as you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain stored until they are individually deleted or expire.

Cookies are used for measurement and research purposes to determine the type and amount of use of the service. This will help us improve the usability of our site and identify areas of interest to our site. We use Google Analytics to track visits to our website. Google Analytics cookie data is retained for 38 months.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Collecting visitor data with Google Analytics
  • Enabling content sharing via social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube)

Google Analytics cookies store information about a visitor, including the following:

  • IP address
  • Which site you visit
  • How long you stay on our site
  • Start and end of your visit
  • How you came to our site
  • What links you click

The cookie information used on this site is used in a manner that does not violate the privacy of the service user. Cookie identification is not used to associate a visitor with your personal or contact information. Cookies are not used to view or copy information from a visitor's terminal. The information we collect from cookies is sent back to us without personal information in order to track trends in the use of our site.

The user may choose to disable the use of cookies in their browser settings, but this may cause the pages to fail and is not recommended. For more detailed instructions on how to delete cookies, see your browser's help.

The materials produced by the Open Science Co-ordination and the Open Science and Research Project (2014-2017) are mainly accessible to all under a Creative Commons 4.0 -license.

Feedback, questions, or suggestions for improvement about the site can be sent to contact persons.